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King Tut's Treasures: Animal Iconography


Temat: Społeczeństwo i nauki społeczne

So you can see this is actually a carrying shrine.
You see the poles for carrying it on the shoulders?
The canopic shrines were on sledges, they were brought the most part of the big funeral procession.
So, they are all movable.
Anubis is a very important god, because he was a guardian of the necropolis
and he was the god of mummification.
So, for example, when you actually carried out the mummification there would be priest wearing a jackal mask.
So Anubis is in the form of the jackal, as we Egyptologists say, a superjackal,
because he is not quite a jackal, he is like a better form of a jackal.
More than a jackal.
One thing I really like about this shrine is that the cover slides.
And if we go to the other side I can show you how it fits together.
And you look at the techniques of manufacturing of kinds of things that they did, it's amazing.
And you see that this lid, it doesn't sit on top, it slides in.
And you can see it's slightly open here.
Look at the back. See the tail should be sitting on top of this.
It slides, right, and the tail sits on top of the Sledge here.
What have we here?
Basically, these were used for the mummification ceremonies and the funeral ceremonies only.
He never would have slept on something like this.
These are three couches and each of them represent a different deity,
protective deity, important in the Afterworld.
The keyword is always 'protection'.
Absolutely! That's exactly right.
This is a deity called Menhit.
And then.. Probably the most interesting one is the one next to this.
Let's move on next. Make our way through the crowd.
And again, see the assembly instructions there, see that small thing in?
- The black mark.
This, for example, this is the deity goddess named Ammut.
- If you look on papyri of the Book of the Dead...
...you have the scene of the weighing of the heart.
And the heart bounces on the scales against the feather of Ma'at, of truth and justice.
And if it balances – fine, the deceased goes off and marches off into the afterlife;
if it doesn't balance, the heart is eaten by this monstrous creature
and the dead person dies forever instead of going to the afterlife.
Absolutely fascinating!
So that's who this is. And the construction of this is wonderful.
And you can see she is hippopotamus with partly a lion and partly the tail
– see, she has lion's feet and a crocodile's back and tail?
And the mane.
Yes, exactly – lion's mane.
So, she is a hippo-lion-croc, you put together three very dangerous creatures.
And then the third bed is a cow Mehit-Weret,
who was the great cow of the heavens and of the flood.
See she's wearing, between her horns she is wearing the disk of the Sun
and one of her jobs was to carry the reborn Sun god to the heavens.
- And she's got this kind of a leopard skin pattern, which represents the starry sky.
So it's all sorts of symbolism put together.
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